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HVAC Design Complete Course
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Rushikesh Joshi 2 months ago
Can We use ASHRAE 62.1 for industrial warehouse ventilation? If not then which standard is applicable?
Rushikesh Joshi 1 month ago
Hi, thanks for your response. I have checked these suggested standards. But no standard gives us the specific Air change rate for warehouse or other areas for US location. Can you please guide on how to establish the airflow quantity for ventilation of this area?
Augmintech Education 2 months ago
ASHRAE 62.1 is not fully applicable for industrial warehouse ventilation as it focuses on commercial and residential buildings. Instead, the following standards and guidelines should be used for industrial warehouses: OSHA Standards: Specifically OSHA 1910 Subpart Z for hazardous substances and OSHA 1910.94 for industrial ventilation. NIOSH Guidelines: Recommendations for industrial ventilation to protect worker health. ACGIH Industrial Ventilation Manual: Detailed guidance on designing and operating industrial ventilation systems. NFPA Standards: Such as NFPA 91 for exhaust systems handling vapors, gases, mists, and particulate solids. These resources provide the necessary guidelines for maintaining safe and effective ventilation in industrial warehouse environments.
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